ISEE 2022 is envisioned as a worthy intellectual venture and an effective medium to promote lifelong learning, scientific and mathematical values, interests, skills, attitudes and motivation among the youths.
Specifically, ISEE 2022 aims to:
- enhance the awareness of the public on the roles and importance of STEM in socio-economic wellbeing and sustainable development.
- achieve aspiration in STEM education include developing a solid knowledge base among the students and enhancing their interest in STEM.
- strengthen the students’ ability to integrate as well as apply knowledge and skills, nurturing their creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills to solve real world problems.
- provide opportunity to the talented or creative students for the nourishing and nurturing of their creative talents and prepare future generations to be innovators.
- enhance STEM learning and promote further education as well as career development in areas related to STEM among the school students and community.
- provide networking for schools, educators, industries, public and private sector to share information as well as experiences on projects, extra-curriculum, and good practices in STEM educations.
- motivate and encourage the students to be involved in STEM education or career.